Penny Petroleum – Care and Protect

Client: Penny Petroleum

Locations: Esson Nellfield / BP Tam O Shanter / Esso Rumford

Services: Care & Protect Works following initial site visit


The Project:

Penny Petroleum owns over 90 retail forecourts across the UK and has been trading for over 30 years.  DRB was approached by Penny Petroleum to undertake minor works at three of their sites in Scotland.  After the initial site visit to assess the work requested, Anthony Aitchison, Senior Project Engineer for DRB, identified additional works at each site under DRB’s Care and Protect* offering that would improve the sites appearance while working within the client’s budgetary constraints.

The client agreed to the additional work.


Work undertaken:

Site: Esso Nellfield:

  • Painting of the non-branded elevations of the canopy.
  • Painting of floodlight and vent stack.
  • Painting 3 X stanchions/white.
  • Painting of MID leg.
  • MID cleaning.
  • Esso Fascia cleaning.
  • Shop Fascia cleaning.
  • Repair damage wave at pump island.
  • Cleaning of Pumps.


Site: BP Tam o’ Shanter

  • Clean all canopy branded elevations.
  • Clean shop fascia.
  • Painting 3 X stanchions/white & green.
  • Painting 1 X white stanchion.
  • Paint all non-branded canopy elevations.
  • Paint canopy under lip on all elevations.
  • Painting of floodlight and vent stack.
  • Paint solid door white.
  • Paint 6 x bollards bp brand colours.
  • Investigate issue with canopy LED and resolved
  • Spreaders removed from stanchions 1 / 2 ..5 / 6 and stanchions repainted.
  • New safety stat signs applied to island stanchions.


Site: Esso Rumford

  • Stanchions at pump islands – clean only.
  • Stanchion at shop front – paint white.
  • Metal boundary fence – paint white.
  • Vent stack – paint white.
  • 2 no bollards – paint white.
  • MID leg – paint white.
  • 14 no small concrete bollards – paint white.
  • Non-Branded canopy elevation- paint white.
  • Clean MID.
  • Clean all branded canopy elevations.
  • Clean shop fascia.
  • Clean pumps.


The results:

DRB coordinated 3 crews to attend each site to carry out the high pressure sanitation and sign-ware clean.  They completed the works on all three sites within 5 days from receipt of the order.


*For more information on the Care & Protect service from DRB UK:


Contact DRB to book this service: Call 0800 260 6920 or email